How much does aquarium maintenance cost?
The cost of aquarium maintenance varies based on many factors. Some factors that we take into consideration are the size of your tank, how it is set up, your location, and the frequency of maintenance. We strive to provide the best value in aquarium maintenance by providing exceptionally high-quality maintenance service at very competitive pricing.
Does your service include any supplies?
Yes. Our services include providing salt water, which is mixed with reverse osmosis water and high-quality aquarium salt. We also provide reverse osmosis water for your freshwater aquarium. Poly fiber mechanical filter media is also provided if needed.
What do I have to do?
Nothing (almost). In most cases, we ask you to do nothing more than enjoy the tank, let us know if you think anything may be unusual, and feed the right amounts of food. We can automate the lighting, topping off evaporation, and even most feeding.
Do you sell and deliver other equipment or livestock?
Yes. We can bring all livestock and equipment so that you never have to worry about it.
Do you have a guarantee for the fish?
Yes. As part of maintenance, a guarantee is provided on livestock. The guarantee varies on the maintenance frequency.
How often should aquarium maintenance be done?
All aquariums need regular maintenance, but the needs for specific aquariums always vary. Weekly cleanings and water changes are usually best, but we have aquariums that are serviced weekly, biweekly, every three weeks, and monthly. We customize our maintenance plans around the client’s hopes and goals for the aquarium.
Can you provide aquarium maintenance outside of our office hours?
Yes. We can provide service outside of regular office hours. However, after seeing how nondisruptive the maintenance actually is, and having some of their clients comment about how it is more interesting to watch than TV, some of our clients have actually reversed that request.